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Frequently Asked Questions

DragonTooth is a digital platform that connects dental practices with professionals working in the dentistry field. It allows dental practices to post temporary shifts, part-time or full-time job postings for local professionals to apply and fill. DragonTooth provides dental professionals with a quick and easy avenue to help with staffing needs, network and most of all alleviate the stress of filling in a shift/position on employers and employees. It is easy, fast, effective and has no monthly fees!

Invoices are generated the following day after a shift has been paid through DragonTooth. The invoice can be accessed and printed off through the Invoices menu. 

Dental Professionals received full pay with no deductions, it is the responsibility of the Dental Professional to print off an invoice in their DragonTooth profile and claim all income.

DragonTooth does provide the option to download a Yearly Statement. The Yearly Statement can be exported to Excel and printed off. This is if the Professional would prefer to claim their taxes in a lump sum at the end of the tax year. 

DragonTooth is not a temp agency. It is a communication platform for practices and professionals to fill temporary shifts and make permanent job postings. Professionals from DragonTooth are not our temps, and they do not work for us. The temps from the service are all private individuals and can work wherever they please. Practices are free to offer full time placements or hire any professionals from DragonTooth to fill their shifts. 

DragonTooth fees only apply to temporary shift posts. There are 15% in fees that are added on top of the professional’s wage total for every shift. 10% of the fees are for DragonTooth, and the last 5% is a processing fee for the practice. All fees are deducted when the practice is charged for a completed shift.

All fees are added on top of the total for the professionals’ rate—nothing is deducted from the professional. They receive their payment in full once the practice has been charged.

Yes, you can post for a full-time position on DragonTooth. When you post a shift as a dental practice, you input the position you’re looking to fill, the time, and the hourly wage for the professional. A notification gets sent via email and SMS to all professionals within your area after you’ve posted your shift. Professionals who receive the notification can apply to the shift on DragonTooth.

Unlike other platforms where anyone can see and apply for a job position, your permanent job posting with DragonTooth will only be viewed by your targeted demographic. Your practice will be charged a flat fee of $85 plus tax per permanent job posting on DragonTooth. The posting will stay on the platform for sixty days. Your practice will have access to all resumes and contact information for anyone who applies.

If a shift is not filled there are no fees charged to the practice. DragonTooth only charges practices for successfully completed shifts.

It is required for all dental practices to input their credit card information before posting any shifts. Listed credit card information is stored through a separate, secure service. DragonTooth does not store or save any practice’s payment information.

When a scheduled shift has been worked, it moves to the “verify” tab where the practice must confirm the hours worked and the hourly wage. The professional will be able to confirm this information once the practice has done so. After the hours and wages have been confirmed by both the parties, DragonTooth charges the listed credit card for the payment of the professional’s wage, plus HST and a 15% charge for administrative fees. The payment for the professional is sent to them in full via e-transfer. Invoices are generated at the end of every day and will be listed on both the practice and professional’s profiles for tax purposes.

DragonTooth is a platform that connects dental practices with qualified professionals to fill shifts and job postings. As a dental practice, you can post a shift on DragonTooth by specifying the position, the time, and the hourly wage. Your shift will be advertised to all professionals in your area via email and SMS. Professionals can apply for your shift on DragonTooth and you can review their profiles and qualifications. You can accept or decline any applicant, or negotiate the wage if they make a counteroffer. Once you accept a professional, the shift will be scheduled and moved to the "scheduled" tab for both parties.
After the shift is completed the office will submit the hours on DragonTooth, you will receive a notification from DragonTooth to verify the hours are correct and can choose to mark the shift as completed. You can also dispute the hours if they are incorrect which will prompt the office to edit them and submit them again. 
Once you have marked the shift as completed DragonTooth will charge the office for your wages and send you your payment in full via the e-transfer address you have provided on your profile. The following day after you have received your payment an invoice will be made available on your profile in the Invoices menu, this invoice can be used for your tax purposes.

No. All payments for shifts goes through DragonTooth. If you have accepted a payment directly by mistake, please contact us at or call us at 647-951-0321.

No! All fees are charged to the Practice. However, be aware you must pay income tax on all income earned as DragonTooth does not make any deductions to your pay.

If you want to apply for a shift with different conditions than the ones posted, you can use the Apply with Conditions option. This option allows you to request a different pay rate or a different schedule for the shift.

For example, if a shift is posted from 8:00am to 5:00pm with a one-hour lunch break and a pay rate of $25 per hour, you can apply with conditions and ask to work from 8:00am to 4:00pm with a 30-minute lunch break and a pay rate of $26 per hour. The practice that posted the shift can then accept your application, reject it, or send you a counter offer with their own conditions.

For example, they might offer you to work from 8:00am to 4:00pm with a 30-minute lunch break but at the original pay rate of $25 per hour. You can then accept or decline their counter offer. If either you or the practice accepts the other's counter offer, the shift will be scheduled and moved to the Scheduled tab in the Shifts menu for both of you.